Privacy Policy

Personal Information & Guests

We don’t collect any personal information of our users.

External Links

This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for these sites’ privacy practices or content.

Third-Party Advertising

These third-party announcement waiters or networks use technology to make the announcements, and links on APKProf.Com shoot directly to your cybersurfers. They automatically admit your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies( similar to eyefuls, JavaScript, or Web lights) may also be used by third-party announcement networks to measure the effectiveness of their announcements and to epitomize the advertising content you see. APKProf.Com has no access to or control over these eyefuls used by third-party advertisers. You should consult the separate sequestration programs of these third-party announcement waiters for more detailed information on their practices and instructions about how to conclude- out of certain practices. APKProf.Com sequestration policy doesn’t apply to us, and we can not control the conditioning of it, similar to other advertisers or web spots. Still, you can do so through your cybersurfer options if you’d like to turn off eyefuls. More detailed information about cookie operation with specific web cybersurfers can be set up at the cybersurfer’s separate websites.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please send your email to